BBB Accredited Since May 2004
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Most Recent Finished Jobs by Fire Alarm Houston

Job completed for As we grow Tidwell

Completion date: May 10, 2023

Location: Tidwell, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

Fire Alarm Houston has been contacted by a customer inquiring about the services provided at As We Grow, a children's learning center situated in Tidwell, Texas. The customer was interested in learning more about the state-of-the-art fire monitoring equipment that Fire Alarm Houston had installed at As We Grow to ensure a positive and safe learning environment for the children. As We Grow is known for providing affordable quality early learning care, and Fire Alarm Houston is proud to have played a part in safeguarding its facilities.

Solutions provided:

As a trusted provider of fire alarm monitoring services, Fire Alarm Houston was pleased to offer a comprehensive solution to As We Grow Tidwell. Our team not only monitored the fire alarm system, but also provided complete installation services, including planning, permitting, and inspection with Fire Marshal services to ensure full compliance. We also replaced parts such as a dedicated power circuit for the fire monitoring panel, smoke detectors, and other components to enhance the safety and reliability of the system. Fire Alarm Houston is committed to delivering high-quality solutions to meet the unique needs of our customers, and we were glad to have the opportunity to serve As We Grow Tidwell.

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