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Most Recent Finished Jobs by Fire Alarm Houston

Job completed for Pine Creek Property Management

Completion date: September 30, 2023

Location: Richmond, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer contacted Fire Alarm Houston because they needed to install a Fire Alarm System in their business building, which goes by the name Pine Creek Property Management. Fire alarm systems are crucial for protecting lives and property by providing early detection and notification of fires. Businesses, especially those responsible for managing properties, recognize the importance of fire safety in safeguarding occupants and assets. Fire Alarm Houston specializes in providing fire alarm solutions, making them the ideal choice for the customer seeking to enhance fire safety measures at Pine Creek Property Management.

Solutions provided:

Fire Alarm Houston provided a range of solutions to address the customer's need for a Fire Alarm System. First, they likely conducted a comprehensive installation process, which included the wiring of components essential for fire detection and alerting. To ensure the reliability of the fire alarm system, they provided a 12v 7ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery for the fire panel, serving as a backup power source in case of electrical outages. Additionally, Fire Alarm Houston likely integrated the NAPCO StarLink Fire, a radio communicator designed for Fire Alarm panels. This communicator would enable reliable communication with emergency services and monitoring centers, ensuring a swift response in the event of a fire. Activation of the system would ensure that it is fully operational and ready to provide early fire detection and alerts. In summary, the customer contacted Fire Alarm Houston to install a Fire Alarm System at Pine Creek Property Management, and the solutions provided encompassed installation, backup power provision, and the integration of communication equipment to enhance fire safety at the business location.

Team members on this project:

Gregry D Hazlett, Ikramul Haque,

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